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LUX Detector Underground

Posted on July 13th, 2012

Finally after a very slow, two-day move underground LUX has finished its journey home. The 6,000 pound detector was wrapped in plastic and foam and moved via air bearings and other apparatuses to help it be perfectly safe on its dangerous path to the underground. This marks a huge milestone in the LUX project as a whole and soon everything will be moving forward even more. See more articles about the move here:

SFGate LUX has a new home
Deep Thoughts: LUX Milestone
South Dakota Public Radio broadcast

Almost Underground!

Posted on on July 9th, 2012

On July 11th the LUX detector will be underground after a steady and complex journey down. As you may imagine, the detector needs to be handled extremely carefully and precicely while decending into the Sanford Underground lab. While the ride down takes only 11 minutes for scientists, the detector takes nearly two hours to travel the 4850 feet journey. Following the arrival of LUX there will be a radia broadcast from the cavern by a South Dakota Public Radio program and talks will also be given on Sanford Lab's Neutrino Day science festival.

LUX Underground this week

Davis Campus Dedication

Posted on June 27, 2012

Want to see the Sanford Underground Davis Campus? Here is a video of the opening ceremony of the Davis Campus at the Sanford Underground Laboratory. This is where LUX and other experiments will be held and taken care of.


Posted on June 25, 2012
LUX collaboration members John Bower (left) of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sergey Uvarov of UC Davis work on a string of four photomultipliers in the LUX tank.

The detector has been stationed in South Dakota now in preparation for what is to come. But now the detectors fitting into the underground world is becoming a reality. Photomultiplier tubes were installed last week that would serve as the most essential part of the experiment. The PMTs detect small photon signals that radiate from liquid xenon particles that have just been hit by a weak interracting massive particle (WIMP) in the detector and help to translate that into information about dark matter: where the WIMP hit the xenon, how much energy did it have, and much more.

See the full article here

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With the recent events involving putting the LUX detector underground at the Sanford Lab, the country and the world is buzzing with talk about Dark Matter. Take a look at these articles about the LUX detector to get more information.

Wall Street Journal on Physicists Looking for Answers

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